Friday, July 2, 2010

The Beacon Street Girls, Worst Enemies/Best Friends By Annie Bryant Book Review

The Beacon Street Girls
Worst Enemies/Best Friends By Annie Bryant

Publisher:Aladdin Mix, Publishing division of Simon & Schuster Publishing for Children

Age group:10 and up ( YA)

Number of Pages:216

Published Date: June 3rd 2008

Series:The Beacon Street Girls

Characters: Katani Summers, Avery Madden, Charlotte

Ramsey, Isabel Martinez, Maeve Kaplan-Taylor,

Ms.Razzberry Pink, Marty and Happy Lucky Thingy and

after Ego Nasty Lucky thing.

Yikes! As if being the new girl isn't bad enough, Charlotte just

made the biggest cafeteria blunder in the history of Abigail

Adams Junior High. There's no way that Katani, Avery, and

Maeve will want anything to do with her now.

Can a mysterious landlady, a romantic evening gone wrong, and a cryptic key to nowhere help

four very different girls become the best of friends? Or will they remain worst enemies forever?

The Review

This was a wonderful novel for people my age and older! I loved how Annie Bryant made every

character special and distinct from the rest of her friends. This book is the best teenage life novel

I have seen and read this year. What really impressed me about this book was that it was just so

different than normal books teenage life books would be. Of course there were some normal stuff

that happen to teenagers all the time, but this books had a kick of something different and utter-

ly unique. I loved how Annie Bryant described everything, from Charlotte Ramsey's desk to their

windows in the tower. The cover looks awesome-but you might be wondering why a certain

character that is listed on the character list isn't there. It's actually because Isabel Martinez

comes later in the series, but for now, it;s just those artsy and sportsy four. Avery is the one who

is the sporty and tomboyish girl, while Mauve is the complete opposite-the dramatic wannabe

actor that is OBSESSED with pinl. Katani is the fashionable one, while Charlotte is the Globe-Girl

writer. Each character has her own flairs, and Annie Bryant is definetely one of the greates YA

adult writers-and I can't wait until I have a chance to review another book of hers!


Plot- Cat (5 stars)

Characters- cat (5 stars)

Suspense- dog (4 stars)

Ending- cat (5 stars)

Cover- cat (5 stars)

Setting/Description- cat (5 stars)


<3 Bethany


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